Thursday, August 17, 2023

"Little Red" by Jessica McDonald

Little Red
Jessica McDonald 
Once there was a girl,
And her name was Little Red,
She set off to her grandma’s house,
For Gram was sick in bed,

She wandered through the forest,
With her basket full of bread,
She ran into the Big Bad Wolf,
‘Where Are you going?’ he said.
‘I’m headed to my grandma’s house,
Can’t stop to talk,’ said Red.
The sneaky wolf, he made a plan,
And then away he sped.

When Red got to her Grandma’s house,
She saw her there in bed,
‘Oh, what big eyes, and ears, and teeth,
You have upon your head!’

‘The better to eat you with my dear’
The hungry wolf just said.
‘Please don’t eat me,’ said Little Red,
‘Just eat my bread instead.’

Summary of the poem: 

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